Understanding the printer operator panel
Using printer menus
Understanding the printer operator panel
The printer operator panel consists of these items:
• A 4-line, grayscale display that can show both graphics and text
• Eight buttons: Back, Menu, Stop, Select ( ), , , , and
• Indicator light
The use of the buttons and the layout of the operator panel are described in the following table.
Operator panel item Function
Back To return to the previous screen.
Note: This button is only active if appears on the top left of the screen. Changes made
on a screen are not applied if the Back button is pressed.
Menu To open the menu index.
Note: The printer must be in the Ready state to access the menu index. A message
indicating the menus are unavailable appears if the printer is not ready.
Stop To stop or suspend all printer activity. After pressing Stop, the message Stopping appears.
When the printer has stopped, the status line on the display shows Stopped, and a list of
options appears.
Indicator light The two-toned light emitting diode called the indicator light on the operator panel gives
information about the status of the printer using the colors red and green.
Indicator light
Navigation buttons , , , and
Status Indicates
Off Printer power is off.
Blinking green Printer is warming up, processing data, or printing a job.
Solid green Printer is on, but idle.
Solid red Operator intervention is required.