The following table applies only if the Font Type option is set to Use Bitmaps.
Typestyle Original
FGID/Font Width
Courier 12 Bold 108 85 b 120 fw
Courier 17.1 Bold 253 254 b 84 fw
Letter Gothic 12 87 85 120 fw
Letter Gothic 12 Bold 110 85 b 120 fw
Prestige Pica Bold 60 12 b 144 fw
b = Bold
B.9.2 3812/16 Font substitution
The following substitution IDs are used if the Font Type option is set to Use Scalable.
Typestyle Original
FGID/Font Width
Matrix Gothic 10 26 40 144 fw
Roman Text 41 40 144 fw
Serif Text 10 42 40 144 fw
Serif Text 10 Italic 43 68 144 fw
Serif Text 12 70 66 120 fw
Serif Text 12 Italic 71 68 120 fw
Serif Text 12 Bold 72 69 120 fw
Math Symbol 12 80 86 120 fw
Light Gothic 12 91 112 120 fw
Elite 12 107 85 120 fw
Bold PS 176 159 120 fw
Bold Italic PS 177 155 120 fw
Math Symbol 15 225 86 120 fw