B.6.7 Arabic Code Pages
Languages Codepage GCSGID
Arabic Bilingual 420 235
Arabic ISO (ASCII) 1008 1162
Arabic PC 864 994
GML List symbols 1039 1258
Note: Arabic code pages/fonts are only supported in an optional font package.
The IPDS printer emulation accesses these fonts from a user flash memory
installed in the flash memory connector.
B.6.8 Hebrew Code Pages
Languages Codepage GCSGID
GML List symbols 1039 1258
Hebrew 424 941
Hebrew ISO / ASCII 916 941
Hebrew PC 856 986
Hebrew PC 862 992
Hebrew Publishing 1028 1199
Hebrew Set A 803 1147
Note: Hebrew code pages/fonts are only supported in an optional font package.
The IPDS printer emulation accesses these fonts from a user flash memory
installed in the flash memory connector.
B.6.9 Symbol Code Pages
Languages Codepage GCSGID
GML List symbols 1039 1258
Symbol Set 7 ASCII 899 340
Symbol Set 7 Modified PC 1092 1191
Symbols Adobe 1087 1257
Symbols Adobe ASCII 1038 1257
Symbols Set 7 259 340
Symbols Set 7 Modified 1091 1191