ZyWALL 70 Support Notes
J25. Does BlueCoat have more than one data center? Is the BlueCoat
Web Filter geographically load balanced? ............................................284
J26. Who can generate and view reports on BlueCoat WEB site?......284
J27. How can I get Content Filtering report? .......................................284
J28. Can I change the password for BlueCoat service? .......................285
J29. Which User Name & Password should I input for Content
Filtering report?.......................................................................................285
J30. My device can't get connected to Http://myZyXEL.com, so I can't
get into Registration page. What should I check? ................................285
K. IPSec FAQ.....................................................................................................286
K01. How many VPN tunnels are supported on ZyWALL?................286
K02. How to count my VPN tunnels on ZyWALL?..............................286
K03. What is VPN? ..................................................................................287
K04. Why do I need VPN? ......................................................................287
K05. What are most common VPN protocols?......................................288
K06. What is PPTP? ................................................................................288
K07. What is L2TP? ................................................................................288
K08. What is IPSec? ................................................................................288
K09. What is SA?.....................................................................................289
K10. What is Pre-Shared Key?...............................................................289
K11. What is Phase 1 ID for?..................................................................289
K12. What are Local ID and Peer ID?...................................................290
K13. Is my ZyWALL ready for IPSec VPN?.........................................290
K14. How do I configure ZyWALL VPN?.............................................291
K15. What VPN protocols are supported by ZyWALL?......................291
K16. What types of encryption does ZyWALL VPN support?............291
K17. What types of authentication does ZyWALL VPN support?......291
K18. I am planning my ZyWALL-to-ZyWALL VPN configuration.
What do I need to know?.........................................................................291
K19. Does ZyWALL support dynamic secure gateway IP?.................292
K20. What VPN gateway that has been tested with ZyWALL
K21. What VPN software that has been tested with ZyWALL
K22. Will ZyXEL support Secure Remote Management?...................293
K23. Does ZyWALL VPN support NetBIOS broadcast?.....................293
K24. Is the host behind NAT allowed to use IPSec? .............................293
K25. How do I configure ZyWALL with NAT for internal servers?...293
All contents copyright (c) 2005 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.