Step 5 Ensure Proper Upgrade Path
Current AccXES Version: Necessary Upgrade Path:
AccXES 1.0 to 3.0 Step 1: Upgrade to AccXES 4.0 (via floppy)
Step 2: Upgrade to AccXES 5.99
Step 3: Upgrade to AccXES 9.0
AccXES 4.0 to 5.0 Step 1: Upgrade to AccXES 5.99
Step 2: Upgrade to AccXES 9.0
AccXES 6.0 or newer Step 1: Upgrade to AccXES 9.0
Step 6 Upgrade to AccXES Version 9.0
Download the appropriate AccXES firmware file(s) for your controller hardware type
. Follow the
instructions in the AccXES customer release notes to upload the firmware to your system. Upon
successful completion, a Configuration sheet will automatically print from the controller's designated
Note: Upgrading to AccXES 9.0 will eliminate all existing non-standard AccXES feature keys (if
you have any). Once installation is complete, you will need to reinstall your feature keys.
Step 7 Obtain Feature Keys & download to AccXES controller (if necessary)
This step is only necessary if you’ve purchased any optional features such as Job Accounting, Scan to Net,
Scan to Print or PostScript and you need to re-install them or are installing them for the first time.
Go to the Feature Key web-site
(http://www.xes.com/keys/httpHome/keys.html) to “Replace all keys after a
software Upgrade” or “Redeem a Coupon for a feature key” (whichever is appropriate to your situation).
Be sure to enter the KIK from the current Configuration sheet
*. Once the key is created, upload it to
AccXES, wait 60 seconds, and then reboot.
For further information on obtaining or installing Feature Keys, download, print, and read the Feature Key
Instructions found in the ‘Documentation’ section or use the Help feature on the Feature Key web-site.
* Be sure that you are using the current Configuration sheet when entering the KIK. Each time the
system is rebooted, the KIK changes.
Step 8 Download & Install the Web PMT Help File
Download the WebPMT help files from the ‘Utilities and Applications’ section. Once you have the file, unzip
it and follow the Installation Instructions to install the help file for your desired language.
Step 9 Update the Scanner Firmware (if necessary)