Table of Contents
Related publications iii
Notice iii
Introduction xxi
About the reference set xxi
DocuPrint 180 Laser Printing System document set xxi
About this manual xxiv
PDL syntax conventions used in this manual xxv
1. Overview 1-1
PDL features and functions 1-1
LPS component types 1-2
Hardware 1-2
Software 1-2
LPS hardware components 1-2
Advanced Image Subsystem (AIS) 1-2
LPS software components 1-3
PDL related programs and tasks 1-5
Operating system executive task (OSEXEC) 1-5
File control program (FCP) 1-5
Operator communication subsystem (OCS) 1-5
Editor task 1-5
Font editor task 1-5
Input processing task 1-5
Report task (RPT) 1-6
Dynamic job descriptor (DJD) task 1-6
Output processing task 1-6
Print description language (PDL) processor 1-6
Forms description language (FDL) processor 1-6
Preparing for a print job 1-7
Job flow process 1-8
OCS processing 1-8
Input processing 1-8
Output processing 1-9
Input data types 1-10
Unformatted data 1-10
Formatted data 1-11