What the message guide contains
The 4635 LPS Message Guide is divided into the following
Chapter 1: CP (COMPRESS command) messages
Chapter 2: DSR (disk save and restore command) messages
Chapter 3: FD (forms compilation) messages
Chapter 4: HIP (host interface processor) messages
Chapter 5: IFU (Interpress font utility) messages
Chapter 6: OSS (operating system) messages
Chapter 7: PDL (job source library compilation) messages
Chapter 8: PG (PURGE command) messages
Chapter 9: PR (HARDCOPY graphics printing command) messages
Chapter 10: PSC (printer subsystem controller command) messages
Chapter 11: SCALE command messages
Chapter 12: SFS (status file services command) messages
Chapter 13: System verification error messages
Chapter 14: Summary sheet error messages
Chapter 15: 4635 LPS additional messages
Appendix: Xerox support services
Glossary A glossary of terms and abbreviations is provide
Index An alphabetical listing of all unnumbered messages contained in
this guide
The following information is also provided:
• Information about ordering additional copies of this message
guide through the Xerox Documentation Subscription Service
• An order card for the Customer Documentation Catalog,
which describes other available Xerox documentation
• A Reader Comment Form. Please take a few minutes to write
your comments about the message guide, and any
suggestions you may have for improving it, on the Reader
Comment Form
• Chapters 1 through 14 are arranged alphabetically according
to the coded messages as they appear on the system
controller (e.g., CP, DS, and FD) or by the type of uncoded
messages (i.e., scale, summary sheet, and system verification