Managing and printing jobs from the Tape Client
Tape Client Job Submission Guide 2-5
3. On the Lcds Resources window, select from the Source pull-
down menu the medium that contains the files that you want
to import for your job. After a few seconds, a list of the
directories on the source medium appears in the Directory
Figure 2-3. Lcds Resources window with Source menu
4. Right-click in the resource list section (the large field at the
right of the Directory and Selection fields).
5. Select Redisplay from the pop-up menu that appears. After a
few seconds, a list of the resource files on the selected
source medium is displayed.
6. From the resource list, select the resource files that you want
to import.
• To select multiple files, hold down the <Control> key while
you click each file name to highlight it.
• If you want to select files that are adjacent to each other
on the list, hold down the <Shift> key while you click the
first and last name in the range.