Additional Safety Instructions and Your Responsibilities
ALWAYS store detergent, laundry aids
and other materials in a cool, dry
place where children can’t reach
them- in a locked cabinet if possible.
ALWAYS read and follow instructions
on packages of detergent and laun-
dry aids - especially warnings and
HAZARDOUS FUMES can be formed if
chlorine bleach is used in the same
wash as ammonia or acids such as
vinegar or rust remover.
ALWAYS unplug the power supply
cord before attempting to service the
DO NOT machine wash glass fiber
materials. Small particles can stick to
fabrics washed in following loads
and cause skin irritation.
You are personally responsible for
making sure that your washer:
is used only for jobs normally ex-
pected of home automatic washers.
run by children or anyone un-
able to operate it properly.