Volkswagen Genuine Accessories
Movement fascinates. In fact, thereare fewsubjects that excite people more.
That’s because movement is synonymous with freedom. At Volkswagen we
associate our Volkswagen Accessories with supreme quality,functi-onality,
comfort, and muchmorebesides –because we believe that one point of view
is not enough to appreciate the thousand aspects of your Volkswagen.
Volkswagen Genuine Accessories bring everything people associate with the
brand into the realm of accessories. Furthermore, our product philosophy is
all about innovative technologies and top-level design –down to the finest
detail. After all, Volkswagen Genuine Accessories are developed, tested and
approved alongside each vehicle. And we want you to feel at home in your
Volkswagen at all times.
Experience our broad range of seven product families for more individual
mobility, driving pleasure and fascination. Your authorised Volkswagen agent
will be happy to advise you.
Many of the products shown in this brochure can also be found in our
Volkswagen Accessories E-Shop at www.volkswagen-zubehoer.de.