Victory participates in the KCL CADalog, the most current source of CAD symbols for foodservice designers worldwide. Symbols include
standard equipment in plan, side, front and 3-D views, layered for FEDA/FCSI recommended guidelines.
Continuous product development may necessitate specification changes and design without notice.
Victory RRefrigeration, IInc. Undercounter BBlast CChiller
Capacity (lbs./90 mins.) 35lbs.
Width, Overall 28”
Depth, Overall 32”
Depth, Door Open 90º 58.75”
Height (incl. casters) 35”
Clear Door Width 21.25”
Clear Door Height 15”
No. of Tray Slides 5 pairs
Cabinet Voltage 208/60/1
Feed Wires (with Ground) 2
Total Amperes 7.0
10 Ft. Cord Installed, With Plug NEMA 6-15R
NOTE: A minimum of 2” clearance at the
sides and rear of the cabinet is required.
We reserve the right to change specifica-
tions and product design without notice.
Such revisions do not entitle the buyer to
corresponding replacements for previously
purchased equipment.
CCrraatteedd DDiimmeennssiioonnss HHeeiigghhtt WWiiddtthh DDeepptthh WWeeiigghhtt
VBC-35 38” 30” 34” 275lbs.
Dimensional tolerance ± .25” Metric dimensions (mm)
Printed in U.S.A. ©October 2007
RReeffrriiggeerraattiioonn DDaattaa
Refrigerant Compressor BTUH*
VBC-35 R-134a .75 H.P. 3,706
*BTUH @ 90
F. Ambient, +5
F. Evaporator