bintec RT1202
Subject to technical alterations
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Teldat GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
IP address ISDN B/D channel
Free of charge license for IP address transmission in ISDN D or B channel for IPSec connections;
registering under www.bintec-elmeg.com required.
Software Licenses
Additional 25 IPSec tunnel license for Rxx02, RTxx02 and RXL12xxx series
Rxx02/RTxx02-X25 (5500000783) License for X.25/XOT/X25toTCP for Rxx02 and RTxx02 series
Cobion Content Filter Small (80551) Cobion content filter for RSxxx, Rxx02, RTxx02 series; R230a(w), R232b(w), TR200,
R1200(w/wu), R3000(w), R3400, R3800, R232aw; list price for one year
Pick-up Service / Warranty Extension
Service Package 'medium' (5500000812) Warranty extension of 3 years to a total of 5 years, including advanced
replacement for Teldat products of the category 'medium'. Please find a detailed
description as well as an overview of the categories on
Product Services
HotSpotHosting 1yr 1 location (5510000198) HotSpot solution hosting fee for 1 year and 1 location
HotSpotHosting 2yr 1 location (5500000861) HotSpot solution hosting fee for 2 year and 1 location
Additional HotSpot location (5510000199) Additional location for the HotSpot solution (551000198, 5500000861) valid for one
Console Cable MiniUSB to DSUB9
Serial console cable for RS, RT, Rxx02 Series and hybird (Mini USB to D-SUB 9)