bintec RS230a
Subject to technical alterations
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Teldat GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
Comprehensive IPSec implementation
The IPSec implementation integrated in bintec router works not only with preshared keys but
also with certificates. This allows a public key infrastructure to be created for maximum security.
(The German Federal Office for Information Security also recommends the use of certificates.)
Furthermore, the bintec IPSec implementation offers support when creating VPN connections
with dynamic IP addresses: Even small branch offices can be reached without having to be
permanently online. If both VPN nodes only have dynamic IP addresses, confidential information
can continue. The exchange of IP addresses is carried out over a dynamic DNS provider.
Load Balancing/Backup
The devices offer a unique level of flexibility thanks to the wide variety of interfaces supported.
The bintec Router supports the ability to configure two interfaces as WAN interfaces. As a result,
there is not only more bandwidth available, but there is the opportunity to spread data traffic
across individual WAN connections according to load or data type. Equally, you can use a
connection (e.g. SDSL) for the VPN connection to the head office and use a second WAN port for
a low-cost ADSL connection to guarantee the company's other data traffic. If either connection
fails, the other can take over the entire data transfer. In the event that both lines fail, data traffic
can automatically be routed over an LTE(4G) or UMTS(3G) modem connected to the USB port.
Simple configuration and maintenance
The router is configured over the Configuration Interface (FCI), using the integrated configuration
wizards for example. The FCI is a web-based graphic user surface that you can use from any PC
with an up-to-date Web browser via an HTTP or encrypted HTTPS connection. It also offers the
opportunity to manage the devices locally and remotely over other configuration accesses such
as Telnet, SSH and GSM dialin (only possible if USB LTE(4G) or UMTS(3G) modem is connected).
DIME Manager from Teldat is a free tool for managing Teldat devices. Dime Manager is aimed at
administrators who manage networks with up to 50 devices.
The software simplifies the management and configuration of routers or access points either
individually or in logical groups.
When developing DIME Manager, simple and efficient operation was the primary aim. It allows,
for example, software updates or configurations to be applied to individual devices or groups of
devices simply by drag and drop. DIME Manager recognises and manages new devices in the
network using SNMP multicasts, in other words independent of their current IP address.
bintec RS230a - UK (5510000258) IP Access Router; incl. ADSL modem (Annex A, POTS); incl. IPSec (5 tunnels),
certificates, HW encryption; 4+1 Gigabit Eth. switch; USB port; not for use with
Deutsche Telekom equipment; UK version.