:: Table of Contents
3...................Table of Contents
4-5...............Shock Build (Bag A-AA)
5-8..............Spool and Differential Build
(Bag B-BB)
8-9.............. CVA’s and Turnbuckles Build
(Bag C-CC)
10-11.........Suspension Arms Build
(Bag D-DD)
12-16........Bulkheads, Spur Gear, and
Steering Rack Build (Bag E-EE)
16-20........Steering/Caster Blocks and
Rear HubsBuild (Bag F)
21-25.......Bumper, Anti Roll Bar, and
Electronics Build (Bag G-GG)
26-28.........Tuning Tips
29................Gear Chart
39................Setup Sheet “Kit Setup”
40................1:1 Hardware “Fold Out”
41.................Setup Sheet “Blank”
42................Back Cover
Associated Electrics, Inc.
26021 Commercentre Dr.
Lake Forest, CA 92630
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Tel: 949.544.7500
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:: Notes
There is a 1:1 hardware fold out page in the
back of the manual. To check the size of a part,
line up your hardare with the correct drawing
until you find the exact size. Each part in the
foldout has a number assigned to it for ordering
replacement parts.
This symbol indicates a special
note or instruction in the manual.
This symbol indicates a Racers Tip.