The following is the memory map for the IRV-3702 SBC. The addresses are fully PC/AT compatible,
unless otherwise specified.
IRV-3702 SBC Memory Map
Address Used For Size
00000H - 003FFH Interrupt Vectors 1.0K
00400H - 005FFH BIOS Values 0.5K
00600H - 9FFFFH User RAM (DOS) 638.5K
A0000H - AFFFFH Reserved for VGA 64.0K
B0000H - B7FFFH Video RAM (MDA)* 32.0K
B8000H - BFFFFH Video RAM (CGA)* 32.0K
C0000H - C3FFFH Reserved 16.0K
C4000H - C7FFFH EMS Window 16.0K
C8000H - DFFFFH ROM Scan Devices* 96.0K
E0000H - FFFFFH System BIOS 128.0K
100000H - 3FFFFFFFH User Memory 1GB
*External to the IRV-3702
The following is the I/O map for the IRV-3702 SBC. I/O addresses are fully PC/AT compatible,
unless otherwise specified.
IRV-3702 SBC I/O Map
Address Function
000H - 01FH DMA Controller #1
020H - 021H Interrupt Controller #1
022H - 023H Configuration Address Register
040H - 05FH System Timers & WatchDog Timer
060H - 063H Keyboard, Status, & System Control
070H - 07FH Clock/Calendar & CMOS Ram Access
080H - 083H DMA Page Register
0A0H - 0BFH Interrupt Controller #2
0C0H - 0DFH DMA Controller #2
0F0H Clear Math Co-processor Busy
0F1H Reset Math Co-processor
1F0H - 1F8H IDE Hard Disk
278H - 27FH Parallel Printer Port LPT2
2E8H - 2EFH Serial Port COM4
2F8H - 2FFH Serial Port COM2
378H - 37FH Parallel Printer Port LPT1
3BCH - 3BFH Parallel Printer Port LPT3
3E8H - 3EFH Serial Port COM3
3F0H - 3F7H Floppy Disk Controller
3F8H - 3FFH Serial Port COM1
043H Disable WatchDog Timer
443H Enable WatchDog Timer