H8QM3-2/H8QMi-2 User's Manual
Checkpoint Code Description
25h Interrupt vector initialization is done. Clearing the password if the POST DIAG
switch is on.
27h Any initialization before setting video mode will be done next.
28h Initialization before setting the video mode is complete. Confi guring the mono-
chrome mode and color mode settings next.
2Ah Bus initialization system, static, output devices will be done next, if present. See the
last page for additional information.
2Eh Completed post-video ROM test processing. If the EGA/VGA controller is not
found, performing the display memory read/write test next.
2Fh The EGA/VGA controller was not found. The display memory read/write test is
about to begin.
30h The display memory read/write test passed. Look for retrace checking next.
31h The display memory read/write test or retrace checking failed. Performing the alter-
nate display memory read/write test next.
32h The alternate display memory read/write test passed. Looking for alternate display
retrace checking next.
34h Video display checking is over. Setting the display mode next.
37h The display mode is set. Displaying the power on message next.
38h Initializing the bus input, IPL, general devices next, if present. See the last page of
this chapter for additional information.
39h Displaying bus initialization error messages. See the last page of this chapter for
additional information.
3Ah The new cursor position has been read and saved. Displaying the Hit <DEL> mes-
sage next.
3Bh The Hit <DEL> message is displayed. The protected mode memory test is about
to start.
40h Preparing the descriptor tables next.
42h The descriptor tables are prepared. Entering protected mode for the memory test
43h Entered protected mode. Enabling interrupts for diagnostics mode next.
44h Interrupts enabled if the diagnostics switch is on. Initializing data to check memory
wraparound at 0:0 next.
45h Data initialized. Checking for memory wraparound at 0:0 and fi nding the total sys-
tem memory size next.
46h The memory wraparound test is done. Memory size calculation has been done.
Writing patterns to test memory next.
47h The memory pattern has been written to extended memory. Writing patterns to the
base 640 KB memory next.
48h Patterns written in base memory. Determining the amount of memory below 1 MB
49h The amount of memory below 1 MB has been found and verifi ed.
4Bh The amount of memory above 1 MB has been found and verifi ed. Checking for a
soft reset and clearing the memory below 1 MB for the soft reset next. If this is a
power on situation, going to checkpoint 4Eh next.