• Detergent is moist or
clumping in box.
• Bleachesincleanerslosetheirefciency
when stored under unfavorable conditions.
Store detergents in a dry location. Close
the lid of the container securely.
• Using cutlery with a low
surface quality.
• Cleaningoftheseitemsismadedifcult
by their poor surface structure. Cutlery or
dishes of this type are not for dishwashers.
Calcium streaks, misty appearance
Possible causes How to x these problems
• Insufcientrinseaid
• Increase the dosage amount of rinse aid
• The hardness is not
selected properly; too little
salt is being used.
• Call water supplier and ask for local
hardness in grains per gallon or ppm. Use
a higher phosphate content detergent for
hard water.
• Salt loss (models with salt
• Check whether the lid of the salt container
in special salt. Begin the Rinse and Hold
program is complete, check whether the lid
may have loosened.
Possible causes How to x these problems
• Smell of new machine. • The smell of a new machine disappears
after a few wash cycles with detergent.
• Filters are dirty. • Cleanallltersasdescribedinthis
• Dirty dishes standing
in the machine for a
few days without being
• Remove coarse dirt under running water
and run the Rinse and Hold program every
2 days without detergent.
• Dirty door gasket. • Regularly clean the door gasket with a
damp cloth to remove food particles and
other debris. Use a gentle household
cleaner for the outside and the door seals,
and rinse thoroughly.