Access Point Netw ork connection m ode
You can use this mode to create a w ireless netw ork using access point.
For details, see About the connection modes.
A communication channel w ith divided frequency for performing w ireless communication.
Wireless communication betw een computers – and betw een computers and the access point, if you are using an access point – are only possible w hen all
devices are set to the same channel.
DHCP (Dynam ic Host Configuration Protocol)
DHCP is a system that allow s your computer to receive its IP netw ork address from a pool of addresses managed by a central server.
Each time your computer connects to the netw ork, it "checks out" an address from the pool. When your computer disconnects, it releases the address back to the
DNS (Dom ain Nam e System )
This function matches IP addresses and host names.
On netw orks that use TCP/IP protocol, such as the Internet, computers are distinguished by a string of numbers (the IP address) similar to
How ever, since IP addresses are difficult to remember, the DNS distinguishes betw een computers using a simple combination of w ords, such as
"w w w .sony.com".
This system of matching IP addresses and host names is performed by a DNS server.
IEEE 802.1X
Originally, IEEE 802.1X w as a w ired LAN user authentication standard. Implementing the IEEE 802.1X protocol at the w ireless client and access point, and then
using a RADIUS server, allow s authentication on a w ireless LAN. Because user authentication is absolutely essential w hen beginning to use a w ireless LAN,
using IEEE 802.1X helps prevents unauthorized access.
LAN (Local Area Netw ork)
This netw ork differs from those netw orks such as the Internet that can be used by large numbers of people, since a LAN can only be accessed by a limited
number of people.
Ne tw ork Nam e
The netw ork name identifies w ireless LAN groups that meet IEEE 802.11 standards, and is also referred to as the SSID (SSID is an abbreviation for Service Set
The default netw ork name of the access point is printed on the ID label at the rear of the access point. If you change the netw ork name, or w hen you use the
Wireless LAN PC Card in Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode, you can enter up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric characters, and may include symbols).
When roaming betw een multiple access points, set the same netw ork name (SSID) and same WEP key for all the access points being used.
Pee r-to-peer
A netw ork configuration w here independent computers communicate directly as peers, rather than communicating through a central server computer or other
central netw ork device. See About the connection modes.
Pee r to Peer Ne tw ork connection m ode
A connection mode in w hich the w ireless LAN PC card communicates directly w ith the w ireless LAN cards in other computers, creating an all-w ireless LAN.
For details, see About the connection modes.
RADIUS (Re m ote Authentication Dial In Us er Service)
Authentication protocol used to connect to various netw ork services such as dial-up, VPN, and w ireless netw orks. Servers using the RADIUS protocol for
authentication are referred to as RADIUS servers.
Roam ing
This is a method of constructing a single w ireless netw ork using multiple access points such that users can move throughout an area and alw ays stay
To set up a roaming netw ork, give each access point device the same netw ork name and WEP key. As users move around the area, their w ireless LAN PC card
w ill automatically connect to the nearest available access point.
Super A/G
This function boosts 802.11a or 802.11g to increase throughput.
This function establishes communications at higher data transfer rates.
A security method based on IEEE 802.11 standards.
By setting a passw ord (WEP key), you can construct a w ireless LAN environment and limit file sharing to just the access point and client computers w ith the
correct passw ord entered. The WEP key can be either ASCII or hexadecimal characters.
WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
The Wi-Fi Alliance developed WPA as a data encryption method for w ireless LAN. WPA possesses all the strengths of WEP and SSID w ith none of its flaw s. It
uses the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), w hich updates the encryption key at regular intervals ensuring better netw ork security. A RADIUS server is
necessary to use WPA.
This is a simplified version of WPA. This version uses a pre-shared key (PSK) to verify the identity of users.
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