starting 77
video files 77
adding to playlists 77
removing from playlistsSI
rewinding 79
viewing 80
VIDEO IN connectorsie
Video Phone 134,139-145
Video Playlist dialog box77, 80,81
Video Wall (VAIO Space) 33
viewing movies 39, 40
viewing the taskbar41
problems with 155
viewing video files 80
VOC sound formats68
VOL slider 134
voltage settings 13,183
volume, adjusting 153
AudioView 67,68
CD Player 51
MIDI Player 71
Mixer 48, 49
Video File Player 79
WAV Player 58
WAV Player 48, 57-62
adjusting volume 58
changing playlists 62
controls 58
creating playlists 58, 59-60
editing sounds 63-68
playing playlists 61
recording sounds 58, 69
starting 57
WAV Playlist dialog box57, 59,61, 62
Web sites 31
e-mail support address148
Windows 95
activating 42
keyboard access 176
setting up 25
shutting down 43
taskbar 41
problems viewing 155
Windows icon 37, 42
word processing applications33
Work Center33
work surfaces 4
walls (VAIO Space) 33-36
activating 33,155
warranty 26
watching movies 39,40
WAV files
adding to playlists 59
converting formats 68
copying segments 66-68
copying to Clipboard68
creating 58, 69
cutting segments 63-65
deleting background noise67
loading 57
pasting segments backward68
removing from playlists62
saving 69
undoing changes 67
Zip drives 27
Zoom In button (AudioView) 67
Zoom Out button (AudioView) 67