Serial Communication
Two serial communication ports are provided by the
IQ-400 controller.
• RS-485: Four wire (twisted pair) interface which is
optically isolated from the controller.
-Provision for installing a termination resistor is
• RS-232: At P7 (RS232 DB9 – Real Time Printer
Port). At P2 (RS232 Direct Connect) – standard
RS232 interface. Jumper W6 adds/removes an
onboard 120Ω End-of-Line Termination Resistor.
Power Supply
The IQ-400 controller requires +5VDC for all logic.
Relays, output drivers, etc. require a +12VDC supply. An
on-board dc-dc converter accepts an external voltage
source of 10-26VDC, and converts this unregulated
source to the required +5VDC. For an input voltage
range of 10-15 volts, the “+12VDC” converts this voltage
source to the required +12VDC. For more information,
please refer to the ESD power supply installation
Battery Back-up Requirements
A 7 AH battery is recommended as a back-up to the
power supply, because it is the largest battery that will fit
in the enclosure. The battery should be connected to the
power supply charger in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Refer to ESD SPS-3.6M2E,
or SPS-6.5M4 Power Supply installation instructions for
determining battery backup size.
Factory Settings
At the factory the IQ-400 is set as IQ-400 #1,
communications as direct connect (RS232/RS485) @
9600 baud, with 120 Ohm resistor termination disabled
(W6 jumper set at 1-2).
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