Product Support Guide
D052 / D053 / D054
Ver. 1.5 Page 40 of 41 12/12/2008
Description EDP Code RFG E-Source Number
Service Manual - rfg005543
Point to Point - rfg023648
Parts Catalog - rfg031130
D052 Blended Learning Part l* (CBT) 002710miu -
*Completion of this course is a mandatory requirement for enrollment in the D052 Blended learning part ll / Instructor-led
Please refer to the
http://www.ricohuniversity.com/ web site for the most up to date training information.
Please be aware to once a model or series is out of production, the Field Service Manual, Technical Service Bulletins and
Ricoh University should be referenced for the most current information. Check the TSC website and e-source.
Subject to change without notice