1.Getting Acquainted
Features of Your Printer ........................................................................... 1
Guide to the Printer................................................................................... 2
Type 1 Printer................................................................................................ 2
Type 2 Printer................................................................................................ 5
Operation Panel ............................................................................................ 7
2.Installing Options
Available Options.................................................................................... 12
Type 1 Printer: Installing Options.......................................................... 14
Type 1 Printer: Installing the Paper Feed Unit (DLT) Type 2000................ 14
Type 1 Printer: Installing the Paper Feed Unit (LT) Type 2000................... 15
Type 1 Printer: Installing the Envelope Feeder Type 2000 ......................... 16
Type 1 Printer: Installing the Network Interface Board Type 2000.............. 16
Type 1 Printer: Installing the Memory Unit (SIMM) ..................................... 18
Type 2 Printer: Installing Options.......................................................... 20
Type 2 Printer: Installing the Paper Feed Unit Type 1400 .......................... 20
Type 2 Printer: Installing the Envelope Feeder Type 1400 ......................... 21
Type 2 Printer: Installing the Network Interface Board Type 2000.............. 22
Type 2 Printer: Installing the Memory Unit (SIMM) ..................................... 23
3.Configuring the Printer for the Network with the Opera-
tion Panel
Setting Up the IP Parameters................................................................. 26
4.Printer Drivers for Your Printer
Printer Drivers for Your Printer.............................................................. 29
5.Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver
Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver .................................................... 31
Windows 95/98 - Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver.............................. 31
Windows 3.1x - Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver ................................ 32
Windows NT4.0 - Installing the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver ............................. 34
Uninstalling the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver ............................................... 36
Windows 95/98 - Uninstalling the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver.......................... 36
Windows 3.1x - Uninstalling the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver............................ 36
Windows NT4.0 - Uninstalling the PCL 6/5e Printer Driver......................... 37