Rear View
Tab Drive Motor Connection – Provides drive signals and power to tab drive motor.
Connection is labeled as #1 on Frame.
Unwind/Rewind Drive Motor Connection – Provides power to unwind and rewind
drive motors. Connection is labeled as #2 on Frame.
Emergency Stop Out –This connection permits the tabber to control the emergency stop
function of an external device.
Feeder Control Connection – (FEEDER) This connection allows the tabber to
start/stop the feeder. An appropriate cable and feeder must be used.
Safety Stop Input and Jumper – (SAFETY STOP) The safety circuit from other
external devices can be connected here. When this input is opened the tabber will stop.
Important! If an external safety circuit is not being connected to this input, then the
Jumper Plug (supplied) must be connected, or the tabber’s transport power and head
Power Inlet Connection – The power cord is connected here. 115V AC 50/60 Hz
Fuse – The main fuse (7A / 250V) for the tabber is located here.
Caution! Disconnect power before replacing fuse.
Tab/Label Sensor Connection – (SENSOR) The sensor cable is connected here.