Release Notes - SIP Application Notes
Page 58 Copyright © 2007 Polycom, Inc.
The rules are:
1) When qos.ip.rtp.dscp has a valid value, then it overrides the following:
i) qos.ip.rtp.min_delay
ii) qos.ip.rtp.max_throughput
iii) qos.ip.rtp.max_reliability
iv) qos.ip.rtp.min_cost
v) qos.ip.rtp.precedence
2) Similarly when qos.ip.callControl.dscp has a valid value, then it overrides
qos.ip.callControl.min_delay etc.
3.1.13 From Version 1.6.6 to 1.6.7 Mandatory Changes
• Selecting “sticky” line seize behavior
To have the same line seize behavior as SIP 1.6.5, set call.stickyAutoLineSeize to 1
in sip.cfg. Optional Changes
• Overriding codec preferences received from far end
To allow the phone to override the list of codec preferences received by the phone,
set voIpProt.SDP.answer.useLocalPreferences to 1 in sip.cfg.
3.1.14 From Version 1.6.5 to 1.6.6 Mandatory Changes
None. Optional Changes
• Sending re-INVITE to server during conference setup on BLA
Set call.shared.exposeAutoHolds to 1 in sip.cfg
3.1.15 From Version 1.6.4 to 1.6.5 Mandatory Changes
• None. Optional Changes
• Getting SIP server address from DHCP
The SIP server address can be obtained from a DHCP server if the new parameters
voIpProt.server.dhcp.available, voIpProt.server.dhcp.option and
voIpProt.server.dhcp.type are configured correctly.
• Using configuration file values for SNTP parameters instead of DHCP values
If the configuration file settings for the SNTP server address or GMT offset should be
used instead of the values obtained from a DHCP server, set one or both of the new
parameters tcpIpApp.sntp.address.overrideDHCP and
tcpIpApp.sntp.gmtOffset.overrideDHCP to 1.