User’s Manual of IGS-10020PT / IGS-10020HPT
The NetBIOS giving each computer in the network both a NetBIOS name and an IP address corresponding to a
different host name, provides the session and transport services described in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
NFS is an acronym for Network File System. It allows hosts to mount partitions on a remote system and use them as
though they are local file systems.
NFS allows the system administrator to store resources in a central location on the network, providing authorized users
continuous access to them, which means NFS supports sharing of files, printers, and other resources as persistent
storage over a computer network.
NTP is an acronym for Network Time Protocol, a network protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems.
NTP uses UDP (datagrams) as transport layer.
Optional TLVs.
A LLDP frame contains multiple TLVs
For some TLVs it is configurable if the switch shall include the TLV in the LLDP frame. These TLVs are known as
optional TLVs. If an optional TLVs is disabled the corresponding information is not included in the LLDP frame.
OUI is the organizationally unique identifier. An OUI address is a globally unique identifier assigned to a vendor by
IEEE. You can determine which vendor a device belongs to according to the OUI address which forms the first 24 bits
of a MAC address.
PCP is an acronym for Priority Code Point. It is a 3-bit field storing the priority level for the 802.1Q frame. It is also
known as User Priority.
PD is an acronym for Powered Device. In a PoE system the power is delivered from a PSE (power sourcing
equipment ) to a remote device. The remote device is called a PD.
PHY is an abbreviation for Physical Interface Transceiver and is the device that implements the Ethernet physical layer