Video-in Jack
You can install an analog camera and connect it to video-in jack.
12V DC-Out Jack
The output power is 12V DC. This is used to supply 12V DC power to one external
camera. The output power is 12V DC, 400mA maximum. The output power still
from PoE switch.
DI/DO/RS-485 Connector
ThisIVS-110 provides a general I/Oterminalblockwithonedigitalinputand one
output for device control. It has 6 Pins that from left to right that are 12V DC
power supply (50mA maximum), Alarm Input, GND, Alarm Output, D+ terminal of
RS-485 and D- terminal of RS-485.
The RS-485 of IVS-110 is master that can control external scanner
or PT camera.
2.2.2 Back Panel
Audio-in Jack
Audio-in (line level) jack allows any device that could input audio.
Reset Button
Thisbutton ishiddeninthepinhole.Pleaserefertothe AppendixAinmanual for
more information.
Status LED
The Status LED will turn green while system is booting up successfully. This LED
while some on access the IVS-110.
Audio-Out Jack
Audio-out Jack allows this device to output audio or alerting sound.