Dil ID: 8
Dil Adı: italy
Dil Kodu: it7tayfun Prodotti del Marchio Panasonic
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Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

KM FPG175 i I
PrQürnrPurcha'iE I I
Free peace of mind,
from Panasonic
FAxAmmTAGE Program
6-month limited warranty^- parts, labor,
and toll-free help line^
Free replacement^ and repair program
The Panasonic Fax Advantage Consumer Service Program
Panasonic Itnows lhal il your la« machine is nol up and running,
neiLher IS ynur business Thai's why we crealed the Panasonic Fa«
Advantage Program Included al no eilra cost wilh the purchase ol a new
and unused Panasonic Fa« Machine, Ihe Fa« Advantage Program can
provide a Ires replacement unil^ ll your onginal unit is in need ol repair
Here's haw rl Works
1 II you have a problem with your la« lhal you purohased new and
unused while it is covered by Ihe period of limited warranty’, call our
lüll-lree help-line al 1-BOO-HELP-FA)(^
2 Talk lo one ol our technical e«perts to diagnose your problem over
Ihe phone
G II repairs are necessary and you are entitled to service under Ihe
terms and conditions ol Ihe limited warranty^ we will send a
relurbished replacement unit lo you by UPS Ground semce delivery
The shipping melhod is upgradable lor an extra charge
A second option available under our limited warranty is to mail-m or
carry in your la« lo one ol our Regional Service centers, where Ihe unit
will be repaired and relumed lo you
II you choose lo receive a replacement unit under the Fa« Advarlage
Program, Panasonic will provide a replacement unit which will be
completely relurbished, quality tested by Panasonic lechniaans and
individually hand inspected before i| is shipped to you You will keep the
replacement unit and send the criginal unit lo us in Ihe replacement
unit's bo« UPS will pick up the unit at no charge to you, should it be
determined lhal you are enLlled to warranty service A prod ol purchase
must be included with the returned product Any unit lhal is replaced by
Panasonic and nol shipped with proper procl-ol purchase by you wilt be
subject lo a minimum £100 00 charge The anginal unit must be
propedy packaged in the same manner as Ihe replacement unit, utilizing
Ihe packing malenals provided Damage due to improper or
inadequate packing will be charged to you as an out ol-wamanty cost
II our 1-BOO HELP FAX technicians determine that your unit may be an
“oul-ol bo« lailure'^ we will attempt to provide you with a lactory new
replacement unil^ 'ifcu must ship a copy □! your receipt with your
onginal unit Ic verily lhal you purchased the unit within 10 days prior to
your 1-SDO-HELP FAX call
You must give our lechnicians a valid credit card number (Discover,
VISA, Master Card, or Amencan Express/Dplima) Product lhal is not
returned to Panasonic by 10 business days alter shipment cl the
replacemeni product will be charged to your credit card account al
Panasonic's Suggested Relail Price (see dealer lor delails] II your
onginal unit is nol eligible lor warrant service, your card will be
charged tor the non-warranty repair ol the unit al Panasonic's current
rale for parts and labor and lor any shipping charges associated wilh
this program II you do not wish !□ pay out ol warranty repair costs,
ycu will be responsible lor reluming the replacement unil lo Panasonic
and lor paying all shipping charges associated with this program
including the UPS delivery ol the replacemeni product to you,
shipment ol the problem unit to Panasonic, shipment ol the
replacemeni unit hack lo Panasonic and Ihe return ol your onginal
unit back to you Credit status will be verilied pnor to sending the
replacement product
1 Sea dealer lor limited warranty details
2 Afier lha lax advantage pmgram ixinilarl nor Coniinued Services Tachninal Soppon
Line al 1 900-555-PAf4A (1 900-555-7262) lor lea based lachncal sopparl
3 Heptarxmenl oral IS ralurbished
4 Reptacemenl program c only avattable in Ilia 50 Uruled Stales and is subjad In
ierminalicn al any lime wiiboul advance nolice
5 ‘Ool of box railure" is an inoperable unll lhal was porchased no mnre lhan 10 days
pnor Id your I BOO-HELP FAX call, and would olherwise qualify (nr wanariy sorvicH
under the terms and cmdibons □ ( Ihe limiled warranty
E Panasamc ressrvas Ihe nghi Id send a relurbshed jnil
Panasonic Consumer Electronics
Company, Division of Matsushita
Electric Corporation of America
One Panasonic Way,
Secaucus, New Jersey D7D94
Panasonic Sales Company,
Division of Matsushita Electric of
Puerto Rico, Inc
AvB 65 da Inlanleria, Km 9 5
San Gabnal Industrial Park, Carolina,
Puerto Rico 00985