Before the first wash
1. Open the detergent dispenser drawer.
2. Pour about 1 litre of water through the detergent
dispenser drawer into the washing machine.
This closes the water container when the next pro-
gramme is started and the economy valve can func-
tion properly.
3. In order to remove any residues from the drum and
water container which may have been left during
manufacturing, perform the first wash cycle with-
out any washing in the machine. Programme:
1/4 of a measuring cup of washing powder.
Preparing and sorting washing
Preparing washing
• Empty pockets. Remove foreign bodies (e. g.
coins, paper clips, nails, etc.).
• Do up zips, button up covers to prevent damage to
• Remove the runners from net curtains or cover
them with a net or a bag.
• Wash sensitive and small items in a net or a pillow
case, e.g. net curtains, tights, socks, handker-
chiefs, bras.
Important! Bras and other items containing wires
should only be washed in a net bag. The wires can
work loose and damage the appliance.
Sorting washing
• By colour: Wash white and coloured washing sep-
arately. Washing can run.
• By temperature, type of washing and care symbol.
Important! Do not wash fabrics with care symbol
G (= do not wash!) in the washing machine.