4 ’98-’99 Frontier – Kit# 4083
made earlier. One by one remove each bed-mounting
bolt. Remove bed-mounting bolts, one at a time, apply
Loctite, reinstall bolt and tighten to vehicle torque
Failure to install the steering extension properly could
result in loss of steering causing damage to the vehicle
and possible personal injury.
22. Install the steering extension into the lower coupler of
the steering shaft. Be sure that the extension is installed
so the mounting bolt will slide across the flat on the
steering extension. Install the stock retaining bolt in the
steering shaft. If the bolt will not easily slide across the flat
on the steering extension, the extension has been
installed incorrectly. Do not tighten the retaining bolt at
this time. Extend the mark on the lower part of the
steering shaft down onto the extension. Install the upper
part of the steering shaft into the upper coupler inside the
engine compartment. Be sure to align the marks made
earlier. Install the stock retaining bolt in the upper coupler.
Align the mark on the steering extension with the mark on
the gearbox. Install the steering extension on the gearbox
splined shaft. Install the retaining bolt in the steering
extension. Do not tighten the retaining bolt at this time. Be
sure that all marks are properly aligned and that there is
ample engagement at all unions.
23. Using the new lower radiator support as a template,
Mark the lower core support for alignment of the new
support. Align the holes in the new bracket with the stock
mounting holes. Mark the core support for proper
alignment of the new support after the stock mount has
been removed. Using a die grinder or hacksaw cut away
the bottom radiator mount from the core support. Be
especially careful of the a/c condenser when cutting the
sheet metal. Cut to the outside of each mounting hole
approximately 1 ½” to 2” and flush with the vertical
surface of the core support (allow enough room for the
radiator to slide past the remaining sheet metal without
hitting). Place the new lower radiator support bracket on
the core support. Be sure that the bracket is aligned with
the marks made earlier and that the bracket is positioned
flush against the core support with the lip resting on top of
the core support. Using the bracket as a template, mark
the top of the core support through the holes in the
bracket. Remove the bracket. Drill a ¼” hole at both
locations. Mount the bracket to the core support by install
a ¼” x 1” bolt with a ¼” washer through the bracket, and
the core support. Install a ¼” washer and nylock nut on
the bolt from the bottom of the core support. Tighten the
¼” hardware securely.
24. Install the radiator on the new lower support bracket.
Remove the two rubber bushings from the plastic studs on
the top of the radiator. Install the rubber bushings into the
large hole in the 2” x 3” x 1” rectangular tube. Slide the
tube with the rubber bushing onto the studs at the top of
the radiator. Reinstall the stock upper radiator mount. The
hole in the stock mount should align with the hole in the
tube. Mount the tube to the stock bracket using a 3/8” bolt,
two 3/8” USS washers, and a 3/8” nylock nut on each
side. Do not tighten at this time. Be sure that the radiator
is secure. Tighten all radiator mounting hardware
securely. Install the fan shroud to the radiator using the
stock hardware. Check the fan to fan shroud clearance.
Be sure that the fan cannot make contact with the shroud.
Tighten the fan shroud mounting hardware securely.
Install both radiator hoses to the radiator. Tighten the
hose clamps securely.
25. Fill the cooling system as much as possible at this
time. It will need to be topped off after the vehicle has
been started.
26. Reroute the vacuum brake-booster hose over the a/c
hose at the firewall. Bend the bracket that mounts the a/c
hose to the firewall forward to a 45-degree angle. This
should give the hose ample slack. Reconnect the hose to
the brake booster. If the line still feels tight, it may be
necessary to carefully
bend the steel portion of the line to
gain more slack in the line.
27. Check the a/c line at the core support. Be sure that
there is enough slack in the line to remount it to the core
support. If there is not enough slack, carefully
bend the
line to gain more slack. Be sure that there is ample slack
in the line. Install the bolt that mounts the a/c line to the
core support. Tighten securely.
28. Using two 10mm – 1.25 x100 bolts with a 3/8” washer
on each bolt, and the two 3” long tubes mount the cab
safety loop to its original location. It may be necessary to
bend the loop slightly to align the loop to the mounting
holes with the spacer tubes installed. Tighten safety loop
mounting bolts securely.
Use extreme caution when working near fuel lines and
fuel tank. Clean up spilled fuel immediately. Any spark
could cause an explosion or fire resulting in serious
personal and property damage.
29. Lengthen the fuel filler hose. Cut the filler hose toward
the bottom below the first bend. Install the 1 3/4" fuel filler
extension between the two sections of the filler hose.
Install a #28 hose clamp at each end of the extension.
Tighten both hose clamps securely. Remove the vent
hose from the filler neck. Install the new vent hose to the
filler neck vent. Install a #10 hose clamp and tighten
securely. Install the filler assembly in the vehicle. Using
the stock clamp, reconnect the filler hose to the fuel tank.
Using a #10 hose clamp, reconnect the large vent hose to
the fuel tank. Tighten all hose clamps securely. Install the
screws that mount the filler neck to the body. Tighten