Neumann History
Neumann goes Digital
Simultaneously, in the first years of the new
millenium, the Neumann engineers were work-
ing intensively on the development of the first
digital microphone. Once again, this involved
basic research in a completely new technology
in this field. This finally resulted in the suc-
cessful development of the first digital micro-
phone, the Solution D-01, which was introduced
to the market. The company has thus once again
provided impressive evidence of its technolog-
ical leadership.
The 75th Anniversary of the Company
In 2003 Neumann celebrated the 75th anniver-
sary of the company in Berlin in grand style.
Many guests from around the world enjoyed a
wide-ranging, information and entertaining
program which served to acquaint them with the
company and with the continually
changing city of Berlin. The fi-
nale of the festivities was an im-
pressive video, music and fire-
works show choreographed on a
Berlin lake, which amazed even
the guests who were professionals
in this field.
On the occasion of the anniversary,
Neumann put a costly Platinum Edition
of the M 149 Tube on the market, which
has become a coveted item especially for
microphone collectors.
An unusually detailed insight
into the history of the compa-
ny (287 pages, illustrated with
more than 500 photographs) is
provided by the book Neumann
- The Microphone Company: A
Story of Innovation, Excellence
and the Spirit of Audio Engi-
neering. Published in 2003,
the book is now also available
in bookstores.
The Broadcast Line
In the year 2003 the first microphone of the
new Broadcast Line, the BCM 104, was intro-
duced to broadcast studios. The BCM 104 fea-
tures a completely new, functionally optimized
design, which is especially adapted to meet the
requirements of broadcasters. Neumann subse-
quently provided a real surprise for the audio
world: The second microphone in the Broadcast
Line, the BCM 705, is the first dynamic Neu-
mann microphone on the market in the history
of the company.