6 Micro Motion
Model D and DT Sensors Instruction Manual
Before You Begin continued
DT065, DT100, and DT150 sensors
The installation process
Installing your new sensor involves five steps:
Step 1. Location
Determining the proper location for the sensor, taking into account
hazardous areas, process piping, transmitter location, and valves. See
page 9.
Step 2. Orientation
Determining the desired orientation for the sensor in the process
pipeline. See page 13.
Step 3. Mounting
Installing the sensor in the pipeline. See page 17.
Step 4. Wiring
Connecting the flowmeter cable to the sensor and transmitter. See
page 19.
Step 5. Startup
Requirements for flowmeter startup. See page 39.
Flow direction arrow
Calibration tag
Sensor cable with flexible conduit
Approvals tag
Ground screw
Lifting handle
Sensor housing