Temperatures Fabric
Woolens / Options: Sensitive
Warm 7B High For hand washable and machine
washable wool and wool blends.
Cold 6A Med
No Heat e
Silk Options: Sensitive
Cold 6A Slow For hand washable and machine
washable silks and other non-wool
handwashable garments.
No Heat e
Handwash / Options: Extended, Heavy soil, Sensitive
Warm 7B Med For handwashable items with no wool
or silk content.
Cold 6A
No Heat e
Sturdy Options: None
Warm 7B Med For a mixed load of colorfast or perma
press items, or for cotton blends.
Cold 6A Low
No Heat e
Custom Options: Extended, Heavy Soil, Soak, Sensitive
Sanitize 9 Max All options can be selected individually
for colorfast or white items.
Very Hot ö High
Hot 8 Med
Very Warm EC Low
Warm 7B Slow
Cold 6A Hold
No Heat e No Spin
Using the washer