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Promo Code 3724
5 Reasons to choose ELGA for your Laboratory
Water Purication Systems
1. Technology & Innovation market leaders for 75 years
2. World-class service delivered locally
3. Dedicated Water Specialists design the right solution for your needs
4. Cost effective, reliable water purication systems
5. Thousands of systems successfully installed globally
Description Water Quality Make Up Flow Rate Cat. No. Each
ex 2 UV/TOC* Type I up to 2.0 LPM CA89204-092 7,455.28
ex 3 Tap to Type 1* Type I/Type III 7.5 LPH (10 L/day) CA89204-096 7,697.54
Multipurpose Centrifuge 5810/5810R Cell Culture Bundles
(includes both 4 x 250mL and 4 x 500mL rotors) with
ve-year warranty and 40% off second rotor!
Purchase an Eppendorf
Multipurpose Centrifuge 58XX series Advantage promotion package by
March 31, 2013 and receive an additional three-year extended warranty for a total of ve years! You
also qualify for 40% off of a selected 58XX series rotor!
Description Cat No. Price
Cell Culture Centrifuge Package
5810R, 4 x 500 Swing Bucket Rotor, and 15 & 50mL Adapters
MPCA022628180 14,947.69
5810, 4 x 500 Swing Bucket Rotor, and 15 & 50mL Adapters
MPCA022628179 11,307.69
Clinical Centrifuge Package
5810R, 4 x 500 Swing Bucket Rotor, and 13 & 16mm Adapters
MPCA022628089 14,947.69
5810, 4 x 500 Swing Bucket Rotor, and 13 & 16mm Adapters
MPCA022628078 11,307.69
Promo Code 3725
FREE second Purication Pack with your
ELGA lab water system purchase!
Purchase Mastercycler Nexus Gradient and receive
a Repeater Plus pipette Free! A $603.00 value!
Eppendorf NEXUS CYCLER Thermal Cycler Promotion:
In the age of networking, the new Mastercycler Nexus is your reliable companion when
it comes to the daily routine of PCR.
Combine up to 3 units for ultimate throughput!
Connect your Mastercycler Nexus to your computer network
Control all the relevant parameters of your PCR through the intuitive software
Promo Code 3726
Description Cat. No. Each
Mastercycler Nexus Gradient CA71003-562 8,100.00
Repeater Plus Pipettor MPCA21516-002 FREE
*stock only guaranteed on these two listed products
Canadian Goverment brochure.indd 5 1/31/2013 2:11:16 PM