Micro Computer Unit (MCU) controls
G 7736 CD Washer disinfector
Control system
● Micro Computer Unit (MCU), freely
● 64 Programme slots including:
11 standard cleaning programmes
4 service programmes
49 free programme slots
Programme control
● User friendly clear text display
● 6 languages programmed into the
machine with 1 more programmable
language option
● New programmes can be program-
med into the machine directly
● The display shows operating and
programming dialogues, programme
sequences, temperature, time left,
fault messages and number of oper-
ating hours
Operational safety
3 different keys allow access to the 4
switch settings.
I: Only fixed and free-access program-
II: All options in access level I,
all programmes stored in memory
Modification of header paratmeters:
Wash and drying temperatures and
the drying duration can be set.
Parameters set in compliance with
the legislation on containing epide-
mics (§ 18 IfSG) cannot be modi-
III: All programmes in switch setting II
are accessible, as well as:
modification of system parameters:
Programme deletion, date and time,
reset filter operating times, program-
me lock, data transfer, software and
hardware update, memory assign-
ment and definition of programme
access for switch setting I.
IV: All programmes in switch setting III
are accessible, as well as:
modification of service mode:
Water intake duration, times for
dispenser pumps, water treatment,
filter replacement times for the coar-
se and particle filters in the drying
unit, disinfection paramenters, oper-
ating language, programme running
Control and safety features
● Door lock
● Peak load cut out
● Programme stopped in event of
power cut
● Serial interface RS 232 for PC or
printer for process documentation
See page 35 for a list of programmes
and their contents
Micro Computer Unit