Loading the machine
Loading the machine
Empty all containers before loading
into the machine.
Ensure that no acid or solvent
residues, especially hydrochloric
acid or chlorides access the wash
Load items so that water will come
into contact with all surfaces. This
ensures that they will be properly
Do not place items to be cleaned in-
side other pieces where they may be
Hollow vessels such as cups,
glasses, pots etc. should be inverted
and placed in the correct inserts.
Deep based items should be placed
at an angle to ensure that water runs
freely off them.
Tall, narrow, hollow pieces should be
placed in the centre of the basket to
ensure good coverage of water.
Small pieces should be placed on
the cup racks in the upper basket.
Do not obscure them by larger items
below. Cups should be on the lower
rack and bowls on the top rack so
that water reaches all pieces.
The water duct for the spray arm in
the middle of the upper basket must
not be covered.
The spray arms must not be blocked
by items which are too tall or which
hang down in their path. If necess-
ary, manually rotate the arms to test.
Use the upper basket for:
small, lightweight, delicate items
such as cups, saucers, glasses, des-
sert bowls etc. as well as for light-
weight thermally stable plastic items.
Use the bottom basket for:
larger and heavier items such as
plates, serving platters, saucepans,
bowls etc. Glasses may only be
cleaned in the bottom basket if it is
fitted with a special glassware insert
or if there is a special bottom basket.
Unsorted cutlery should be placed in
the cutlery holders with the handles
facing downwards.
Select baskets and inserts which are
appropriate for the application.
See examples on the following pages
Loading the machine