This television has the capability to decode and display Closed
Captioned television programs. Closed Captioning will display
text on the screen for hearing-impaired viewers or it will
translate and display text in another language.
Closed Captioned programs can be recorded and played back
on a VCR with the Closed Captioned text intact. The Closed
Captioned text will disappear during Cue (Fast Forward
Search), Review (Rewind Search) and Pause modes or if the
VCR tracking is not adjusted properly.
While in TV mode, press the MENU button and select TV
SETUP using the CHANNEL/Navigation UP or DOWN button;
then press the ENTER button to confirm. Select the Closed
Caption option using the CHANNEL/Navigation UP or DOWN
button; then press the ENTER button to confirm. Select the
desired Closed Caption option using the VOLUME
UP/Navigation Right or VOLUME DOWN/Navigation Left
button; then press the ENTER button to confirm and return to
TV Setup menu. Press the Menu button to exit the menu.
CAPTIONS (CC1-4): This Closed Caption Mode will display
text on the screen in English or another language. Generally,
Closed Captions in English are transmitted on Captions 1 and
Closed Captions in other languages are transmitted on
Captions 2 through 4.
EXT (TT1-4):
he Text Closed Caption Mode will usually fill
he screen with a programming schedule or other information.
Select between Text 1 through 4.
OFF: Turns Closed Captions off.
After selecting a Closed Caption Mode, it will stay in effect until
it is changed, even if the channel is changed. If the Captions
signal is lost due to a commercial or a break in the signal, the
Captions will reappear when the signal is received again. If the
channels are changed, the Captions will be delayed
approximately 10 seconds.
The Captions will appear in places on the screen where they will
least interfere with the picture, usually on the bottom of the
screen. News programs will usually show three-line Closed
Captions which scroll onto the screen. Most other shows
provide two or three lined Captions placed near the character
who is speaking so the viewer can follow the dialogue.
Words in italics or underlined describe titles, words in foreign
languages or words requiring emphasis. Words that are sung
usually appear enclosed by musical notes.
For television programs broadcasting with Closed Captions,
look in your TV guide for the Closed Captions symbol (CC).
• When selecting Closed Captions, the captioning will be delayed approximately 10 seconds.
• Misspellings or unusual characters may occasionally appear during Closed Captioning. This is normal with Closed
Captioning, especially with live programs. This is because during live programs, captions are also entered live. These
transmissions do not allow time for editing.
• When Captions are being displayed, on-screen displays, such as volume and mute may not be seen or may interfere with
Closed Captions.
Some cable systems and copy protection systems may interfere with the Closed Caption signal.
• If using an indoor antenna or if TV reception is very poor, the Closed Caption decoder may not appear or may appear with
strange characters or misspelled words. In this case, adjust the antenna for better reception or use an outdoor antenna.
When I press the INFO or MUTE button, the captions do not appear, is this normal?
Yes, this is normal for this unit. Once the display information disappears, the captions will continue.
I entered the Captions mode, but no captions are appearing, why?
If no caption signal is received, no captions will appear, but the television will remain in the Caption mode.
Why is there a big black box on the screen?
Because you are in a Captions mode. Turn the captions off, or select a different Captions mode.