mo d
KVM Switching Client Software for Windows
User-definable Hotkeys
Independent/Simultaneous Audio&PC Switching
Autoscan Delay Time Programmable
2 -port USB “KVM -in -th e -Cable” w / Audio&Mic
2 x built-in 1.5 M KVM Audio/Mic Combo Cables
Quick Installation Guide
Thank you for purchasing the LKU-UA02 USB “KVM-in-
the- Cable” Switch w/ Audio&Mic Switching! With our
highly reliable and quality product, user can enjoy countless
benefits from using it.
programming, autoscanning, autoscan delay time programming,
independent/simultaneous audio&PC Switching, etc.
The LKU-UA02 USB “KVM-in-the-Cable” Switch offers USB
1.1 interface technology for Plug-and-Play and hot-pluggability.
Users can enjoy maximum flexibility and convenience with its
compact and one-piece design.
Out-of-Box Installation
Take t h e C om pani o n Diske t te/C D R O M a n d the K VM S wi t ch
o ut o f the b o x and fo ll o w th e s t eps b el ow f o r installatio n … .
Step 1. Insert the companion CD ROM into your CD drive, and
the installer program, USBKVMIn.exe, will be run (or you
can find it with the Explorer and double-click its software
icon to start installation). Complete the
software installation on each of the
computers to be connected to the
KVM Switch.
: No liv e c o nn e ction d e tect e d
: Curr e nt a c tiv e PC cha n nel is on p ort 1
: Curr e nt a c tiv e PC cha n nel is o n po rt 2
The K V M Sw itche r Softw a r e s u p po r ts only the W indo w s platform s.
For ot h er p latf o r m s s u ch as L in u x or M a cO S, you ca n still u s e th e
ke y b o a rd hot ke y -
Sc r L k + Scr L K
- to s wi t ch P C.
Step 2. Connect the shared USB keyboard, mouse, monitor,
speaker/headphone and microphone each to its port on
your KVM Switch.
Step 3. Connect a set of the built-in KVM/Audio&Mic cables to a
computer’s connectors. Connect another set of cables to
another computer. Now you can operate the KVM
Switch immediately.
So m e o l d e r co m p u te r s w i t h U SB i n te r fa c e m ight n eed to m a n u ally
enab l e t h e U SB option in the B I O S settings bef o re you can u s e a n y
U SB dev i ces . I f yo ur U SB in t erf a ce do e s n o t w o r k, pl e a s e c h e c k t h e
U SB option status in the BIO S.
If you u s e W i n d o w s 9 5 / 9 8 /SE a n d h a s n ot yet i n s t alled a U S B m o u s e
o n y o u r com p ute r , t h e r e m i g ht b e an e rr o r m e s s a g e te lli n g y ou t h a t
m o use is not detec t ed a n d p r o m p t in g you to decide w hether to
ig n o r e t h e s a m e m e ss a g e in t h e fu t u r e, a n d y et y o u fo un d t h e r e is n o
m o u s e m ov e m e n t to di s a b l e t h i s m e s s a g e… .So i t is s u gge s t e d t h a t
y ou s h o ul d in s tall e d y o u r U S B m o u s e o n y o u r co m put er f i rs t, b ef o r e
con nected it to t h is K V M S w itch.
The LKU-UA02 is a 2-port USB “KVM-in-the-Cable” Switch with
audio and microphone switching function. It provides 2 sets of
built-in USB KVM combo cables to save you cabling troubles.
And its Audio and Microphone switching function offers you
uninterrupted multimedia experience. It allows you to access,
control, boot and reboot multiple USB-enabled multimedia
computers using only one USB keyboard, mouse, monitor and a
speaker set and microphone.
For PCs running Windows operating systems, it also provides an
innovative and easy-to-use KVM Switcher Software -- a small
windows client application to facilitate your KVM switching
operations such as PC selection and hotkey sequence
After the installation is completed, you will see a KVM
Switcher icon on the system tray of your window
desktop. Just right click to evoke the operation menu
and double-click to evoke configuration box. For
operation details of the KVM Switcher software, please
refer to the Operation Quick Reference.
Co n figu rati o n D iagram
Rev. 1.2 Copyright© All rights reserved. Sep 2004