Firmware Upgrade
This page allows you to perform updates to the firmware of the WBR-6022.
To use, click Browse and locate the firmware image file, then click Upgrade.
Note: Please connect to the WBR-6022 using a wired LAN connection as if the connection breaks
during the update, it will render the unit unworkable. Also disable any anti-virus or firewall program
before beginning the update.
Accept unofficial firmware: Force the router to accept unofficial firmware files. LevelOne does NOT
recommend this function be used.
Backup Setting
You can backup your settings by clicking the Backup Setting button and save it as a bin file. Once
you want to restore these settings, please click Firmware Upgrade button and use the bin file you
Reset to Default
You can also reset the unit back to factory default settings by clicking the Reset to Default button
and click OK. Please wait while the unit reboots.
To reboot the unit manually, click the Reboot button and click OK.