Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD – 05/2013
1.3 Intended use of instrument
Leica IP C printer system for standard histology
• Theinstrumenthasbeendesignedforusein
pathology, histology, cytology, toxicology and
similar laboratories, and there only for printing
tissue cassettes.
• Imprintsofadequatequalityandresistanceto
subsequent processing in tissue processors
can only be guaranteed when using the cas-
settes and reagents specified in Chapter 3.3.
• Theinstrumentmustbeusedexclusivelyac-
cording to the instructions contained in these
Instructions for Use.
1.4 Instrument type
All information provided in these Instructions for
Use applies only to the instrument type indicated
on the cover page.
A name plate indicating the instrument serial
number is attached to the back of the instrument.
Fig. 1
1.2 Qualification of personnel
• TheLeicaIPCmaybeoperatedonlybytrained
laboratory personnel.
• Alllaboratorypersonneldesignatedtooperate
this instrument must read these Instructions
for Use carefully and must be familiar with all
technical features of the instrument before
attempting to operate it.
Fig. 1 is provided as an example only
and shows a valid nameplate for this
instrument with the necessary in-
formation about instrument type and
power requirement. The precise data
for the various versions is specified in
Chapter 3.2, "Technical data".
1. Important Information
Proper and intended use includes the
observance of all instructions in the
operating manual and compliance with
all inspection and maintenance in-
Any other use of the instrument is considered