Starting and Ending/Network FAX Cover Page Editor Screen
Network FAX Cover Page Editor Screen
[Network FAX Cover Page Editor] screen is shown below.
Text Bar
Displays buttons for tools used to enter and edit
Selects font type
Selects font size
Displays text in Bold
Displays text in Italics
Displays text Underlined
Align Left Edges
Align Right Edges
Object Bar
Displays buttons for tools used to enter and edit
Selects line type
Selects thickness of solid line
Selects pattern within object frame
Inserts Variable data
Inserts text object
Inserts image object
Inserts illustration object attached to Cover
Inserts straight line object
Inserts free line object
Inserts rectangular object
Inserts rounded rectangular object
Inserts circular object
Tool Bar
Toolbar buttons commonly used shown.
Create new fi le
Open existing fi le
Overwrite and save current work fi le
Print current work fi le
Display print image (print preview)
Cut out selected area and temporarily save
to memory (Cut)
Copy selected area and temporarily save to
memory (Copy)
Paste contents of temporary memory (Paste)
Undo previous operation (up to 20 times)
Redo operation undone (up to 20 times)
Enlarge and display Cover Page (x2) (click
to enlarge)
Reduce and display Cover Page (1/2 or
1/4) (click to reduce)
Select object
Grab and scroll object