Attributes that can be specifi ed to text and
variable data
Font Type
Arial, etc. and font types are selectable.
Font Size
Font size can be specifi ed between 8 - 72 points.
Text Style
Bold, italic, underline can be specifi ed.
Text Justifi cation
Align Right Edges, Centering, Align Left Edges.
• Please refer to “Inserting an Insert” for attributes of Vari-
able Data only. (
Attributes that can be specifi ed to images
and illustration objects
Image File Formats
Image fi le formats are selected from bit map (BMP),
The size of the image data is not changed
Regardless of the object frame created, the image
data is inserted in its original size.
It matches the defi ned rectangular size
Adjust size to created object frame and insert image
It matches the rectangular size defi ned, but
keeps aspect ratio
Retain horizontal and vertical proportions of image
data size and adjust to frame of created object and
Sample Illustration Types
“Network FAX” includes practical and fun ornamental
lines and stamps.
Some of these will described.
Ornamental Lines
18 types of ornamental line samples have been
They are stored in the folder (path):C:\Program
(This may differ depending on the folder installed.)