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Preview A function that allows you to view an image before processing a print
or scan job
Print Job Print request transmitted from a computer to a printing device
Print Queue A software system which queues the generated print job in the de-
Printer Buffer Memory domain temporarily used for data processing of a print job
Property Attribute information
When using a printer driver, various functions can be specified in the
file properties.
In the file properties, you can check the attribute information of the
Protocol The rules that allow computers to communicate with other comput-
ers or peripheral devices
Proxy Server A server that is installed to act as an intermediary connection be-
tween each client and different servers to effectively ensure security
over the entire system for Internet connections
Pserver Print server module under a NetWare environment that monitors,
changes, pauses, restarts, or cancels a print job
Queue Name Name specified to each device that allows printing when network
Resolution Displays the ability to reproduce the details of images and print mat-
ter correctly
RIP Abbreviation for Raster Image Processor. Process that develops pic-
ture images from described text data using the PostScript page de-
scription language. The processor is usually integrated in the printer.
Screen Font A font for displaying text and symbols on a CRT monitor
Shared Printer A printer setup that allows the printer to be used by multiple comput-
ers connected to a server over a network
SLP Abbreviation for Service Location Protocol. A protocol capable of
finding services over a TCP/IP network and automatically specifying
a client.
SMB Abbreviation for Server Message Block. A protocol that shares files
and printers over a network and which is mainly used by Microsoft
SMTP Abbreviation for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol for send-
ing and forwarding e-mail.
SNMP Abbreviation for Simple Network Management Protocol. A manage-
ment protocol in a network environment using TCP/IP.
Spool Abbreviation for Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line. For
printer output, data is not sent directly to the printer, it is temporarily
stored in another location, then sent to the printer collectively.
Subnet Mask The unit used to divide a TCP/IP network into small networks (sub-
networks). It is used to identify the bits in a network address that are
higher than the IP address.
TCP/IP Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
The de facto standard protocol used by the Internet that uses IP ad-
dresses to identify each network device.
Term Definition