Overview of the Box functions
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Overview of the Box functions Chapter 1
1 Overview of the Box functions
1.1 Box functions
The Box functions allow copy and scan data and data set to be printed from
the printer driver to be saved in a box, then printed when needed.
Functions that can be used
The following operations can be performed with this machine if the corre-
sponding options are installed.
Types of boxes
Depending on the desired application, the following types of boxes can be
Function Description
Store to HDD The optional hard disk drive is required.
Copy and scan data and data set to be printed from the printer driver can
be saved in a previously registered box.
The saved data can be printed, downloaded (only with saved scan data) or
routed. This is useful when there is a need to print the same data often or
when data scanned to a box is shared.
Proof Print If settings for complicated functions, such as “Combination” or “File Mar-
gin”, have been specified, a single proof copy can be printed so that the re-
sult can be checked. After checking the proof copy, additional settings can
be changed from the control panel.
This function is useful when using complicated functions to print multiple
copies of multi-page documents.
Secure Print When data is sent to the machine to be printed with an ID and password
specified from the printer driver, the data can be printed if the same ID and
password is entered at the control panel. This is useful for printing confiden-
tial documents.
Type Description
Public This box is specified as a factory default. The box name is “Public” and its
location cannot be changed. A maximum of 100 documents can be saved
in this box.
User boxes Boxes can be created with a name and number to be used by each user or
account. A password can be specified for the box in order to limit access to
it. A maximum of 999 user boxes can be created, and a maximum of 100
documents can be saved in each user box.
Proof Print box This box contains data for proof copies. When the data is printed, it is de-
leted from the box.
Secure Print box This box contains Secure Print data.