x-10 200/250/350
About this manual
This User’s Guide covers the Box functions of the bizhub 200, 250 and 350.
This section introduces the structure of the manual and the notations used
for product names, etc.
This manual is intended for users who understand the basic operations of
computers and the machine. For operating procedures of the Windows or
Macintosh operating system and software applications, refer to the corre-
sponding manuals.
In addition, software, such as HDDTWAIN and PageScope Box Operator,
which are used with the Box functions of this machine, are also available. Us-
ers of these software should refer to the corresponding manuals on the User
Software CD-ROM.
Structure of the manual
This manual consists of the following chapters.
Chapter 1 Overview of the Box Functions
Chapter 2 Saving documents
Chapter 3 Printing documents
Chapter 4 Routing documents
Chapter 5 Control Panel Settings
Chapter 6 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection
Chapter 7 Appendix
Product Name Notation in the Manual
bizhub 200/250/350 this machine or 200/250/350
Microsoft Windows 98 Windows 98
Microsoft Windows Me Windows Me
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP Windows XP
When the operating systems listed above are
all written together
Windows 98/Me
Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP
Windows 98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP