Dishwasher Dispenser & Detergents
The detergent dispenser has one covered
and one uncovered cup. Detergent in the
uncovered cup falls into the dishwasher when
the door is closed. The covered cup opens
later automatically to release detergent
during the main wash.
• Use only fresh automatic dishwashing
detergent. Other detergents may cause
• When using automatic dishwashing
detergents tabs, place one tab in main
wash cup and close.
• Add detergent just before starting cycle.
• Store detergent in a cool, dry location.
Moist or caked detergent will not
wash eff ectively and may not dissolve
Filing the Detergent Dispenser
The use of industrial grade detergent can
damage the heating coil and other parts
of the dishwasher leading to damage
to the unit and surrounding property.
Use only household grade automatic
dishwasher detergents.
If the cover is closed on the Main Wash Cup open by
pressing the Cover Latch.
Main Wash
How much Detergent to use
The amount of detergent to use depends on the
water hardness, which is measured in grains
per gallon. Using too little detergent can
result in poor cleaning and hard water fi lming
or spotting. Using too much detergent in soft
water can cause etching, a permanent surface
damage that looks like a fi lm on the dishware.
Your local water company, water softener
company or county extension agent can tell
you the water hardness in your area.
Detergent Usage Chart
Soft Water
(0-3 grains)
Medium Hard Water
(4-8 grains)
Hard Water
(9-12 grains)
Very Hard Water
(Over 12 grains)
2 teaspoons
(each cup-
1/4 full)
5 teaspoons
(each cup- fi ll to line
above “Regular”)
8 teaspoons
(each cup-
completely full)
Each Cup-
Completely Full
(water softener
Pots Pans
Normal Wash
ECO Wash
China Gentle
2 teaspoons
(Main Wash
cup- 1/4 full)
5 teaspoons
(Main Wash cup- fi ll
to line above
8 teaspoons
(Main wash cup-
completely full)
Main Wash Cup-
Completely Full
(water softener
Rinse Only No Detergent
No Detergent No Detergent No Detergent
(water softener
For very hard water, detergent alone may not be enough. A water softener is recommended
to improve water quality and dishwashing performance. Try adding more detergent at the
beginning of the main wash portion of the cycle. As a rule, add 1 teaspoon of detergent for
each water hardness grain above 12. Unlatch the door, open slowly and add detergent to the
bottom of the tub. Close the door to latch and the dishwasher will continue through the cycle.