Spare Tire Stowage
• To remove the spare tire, remove the jack-handle components from the storage bin
in the left rear trim panel and assemble them.
• Lower the spare tire by turning the winch drive nut, located in the rear cargo area
inside the vehicle, counterclockwise with the jack-handle assembly until the spare
tire is on the ground with enough cable slack to allow you to pull the spare tire out
from underneath the vehicle.
• When the spare is clear, tilt the retainer at the end of the cable and pull it through the
center of the wheel.
Preparations For Jacking
• Park on a firm, level surface. Avoid ice or slippery areas.
• Set the parking brake and shift the automatic transmission into PARK.
• Turn the ignition to LOCK and turn on the Hazard Warning flasher.
• Block both the front and rear of the
wheel diagonally opposite of the jacking
position. For example, if changing the
right front tire, block the left rear wheel.
NOTE: Passengers should not remain in
the vehicle when the vehicle is being jacked.