2-2 Connecting to the Wireless Gigabit Router
Before you can connect to the router and start configuration procedures,
your computer must be able to get an IP address automatically (use
dynamic IP address). This is the default setup for any standard Windows
computer, and it normally is not required to make any changes.
Connect your computer to one of the LAN ports of the router, then
activate the network connection. Start the Web browser; e.g., MS Internet
Explorer, and open
A login window opens up:
Enter 'admin' as the username and
'1234' as the password.
If this works, you can skip the next
pages and go directly to chapter
"2-3 Using 'Quick Setup'".
Only if the steps above are not successful, or if you know that your
computer has a static IP address setup, do you need to follow the
instructions below:
If the operating system of your computer is….
Windows 95/98/Me - go to section 2-2-1
Windows 2000 - go to section 2-2-2
Windows XP - go to section 2-2-3
Windows Vista - go to section 2-2-4