802.11 wireless
The 802.11 wireless information applies only to the printer's wireless connection:
Wireless Status The printer's wireless network status:
● Connected: The printer is connected to the wireless network.
● Disconnected: The printer is not connected to the wireless
● Disabled: The wireless radio is off and the printer is connected
to an Ethernet network.
The communication mode to which the printer is configured.
● Infrastructure
● Ad hoc
Network Name
The SSID setting to which the printer is set.
Signal Strength
(1-5 highest)
The strength of the 802.11 radio signal the printer is receiving:
● 1 through 5: 5 indicates an excellent signal; 1 indicates a poor
● Not applicable: The printer is set to ad hoc communication
mode or the wireless network is disabled.
Channel One of several pre-set frequencies at which 802.11b-enabled
devices communicate in order to reduce interference.
The number of channels available varies by country/region.
Not applicable means that the wireless network is disabled.
The printer's authentication setting:
● Open System: No authentication is being used.
● Shared Key: The printer is using a WEP key for authentication.
● WPA-PSK: Authentication that uses a Pre-Shared Key (PSK).
Used as part of WPA for small networks.
● None: No authentication is in use.
Encryption The printer's encryption setting:
● 64-bit WEP: Printer is configured with a five-character or 10-
digit WEP key.
● 128-bit WEP: Printer is configured with a 13-character or 26-
digit WEP key.
● AES: An encryption method that can be used with WPA.
● TKIP: An encryption method that can be used with WPA.
● None: No encryption is being used.
Access Point
HW address
The MAC address of the Wireless Access Point (WAP) for the
printer's network. This setting applies only to infrastructure
User's guide 39