The printer's main features
Your printer is a color inkjet printer designed for printing high-quality images on paper
up to 42 in (1.06 m) wide. Some major features of the printer are shown below:
● Production speeds of up to 1.5 m²/min (16 ft²/min), using HP Universal InkJet
Bond Paper with the Fast print quality option and the Optimize for Lines and
Text option
● Print resolution of up to 2400×1200 optimized dpi, from a 1200×1200 dpi input,
using the Best print quality option, the Maximum Detail and Optimize for
Images options, and glossy paper (for more information on print resolution, see
“Tell me about functional specifications” on page 239)
● Unattended printing using 400 cm³ ink cartridges and rolls of paper up to 90 m or
300 ft in length (see “Tell me about ink cartridges” on page 233)
● High productivity features such as multi-file job submitting, job previewing,
queueing, and nesting using the printer's Embedded Web Server (see “Tell me
about the Embedded Web Server” on page 231)
● Ink and paper usage information is available from the front panel, and on the Web
from the Embedded Web Server
● Accurate and consistent color reproduction features:
– Press emulations for U.S., European, and Japanese standards; and color
monitor RGB emulations (see “Tell me about color emulation
modes” on page 225)
– Automatic color calibration
Chapter 1