operating systems, supported 34
output bin extender 64
output bins
locating 5
pages per sheet 50, 97
configuring trays 26
custom sizes 62
custom-size 94
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 49
document size, selecting 93
first page 49, 89
loading in tray 1 64
manual feed 27
pages per sheet 50, 97
supported sizes 61
paper handling menu 16
paper path test page 165
pausing a print job 88
PCL drivers 35
Personality feature 28
locating 6
Macintosh 175
power saving. See Sleep Mode
power switch 6
print cartridge
authentication 122
checking the toner level 120
genuine HP 121
managing 120
non-HP 121
replacing 123
storing 121
print cartridges
features 4
Macintosh status 52
recycling 201
status messages 11
warranty 188
Print Document On 93
print media
load 64
supported 61
print quality menu 19
printer information pages 110,
printing menu 17
priority, settings 37, 46
product stewardship
program 201
PS Defer Media feature 27
PS Emulation drivers 35
HP printing supplies returns and
environmental program 202
reducing documents 93
registration page 165
FCC 200
removing Macintosh software 48
repacking the printer 192
Replace Supplies setting 30
resets menu 23
resize documents
Macintosh 49
resizing documents 93
safety statements 206, 207
scale documents
Macintosh 49
scaling documents 93
service agreements 191
Services tab
Macintosh 52
driver shortcuts
(Macintosh) 49
drivers 38, 46
priority 37, 46
shortcuts (Windows) 92
shared environments 32
shipping the printer 192
shortcuts 92
shortcuts (Macintosh) 49
Size/Type Prompt feature 27
Sleep Delay feature 80
Sleep Mode feature 80
direct connection installation,
Macintosh 47
embedded Web server 42,
HP Easy Printer Care 42
HP Web Jetadmin 42
Macintosh 43, 46
network installation,
Macintosh 47
settings 37, 46
supported operating
systems 34, 46
uninstalling Macintosh 48
Windows 33, 43
Solaris software 44
special media
guidelines 63
special paper
guidelines 63
features 3
media 59
Macintosh services tab 52
status, supplies
control panel messages 11
printer features 4
settings 30
subnet mask 56
ordering 181
recycling 201
replacement intervals 120
supplies low
configuring e-mail alerts 112
supplies out
configuring alerts 112
supplies status
control panel messages 11
printer features 4
settings 30
supplies status page
printing 110
supply-status, Services tab
Macintosh 52
online 190
supported media 61
supported operating systems 34
SupportPack, HP 191
system setup menu 20
ENWW Index 211